
2023年1月6日—WithPlexforWindowsapp,youcannowcreateyourownunifiedWatchlist,getover50,000freetitlesandbrowseover300freeLiveTVchannels.,2022年10月31日—YoucanaccessthePlexWebAppfromwhereveryouarebymakinguseoftheversionhostedontheplex.tvwebsite.Touseit:Openabrowser ...,2019年8月15日—YoucandownloadthenewPlexdesktopapphere.It'salmostmidnight,afewhoursbeforethispostgoeslive,butwealreadyhearyouasking: ...

Plex for Windows

2023年1月6日 — With Plex for Windows app, you can now create your own unified Watchlist, get over 50,000 free titles and browse over 300 free Live TV channels.

Opening Plex Web App

2022年10月31日 — You can access the Plex Web App from wherever you are by making use of the version hosted on the website. To use it: Open a browser ...

Desktop AF

2019年8月15日 — You can download the new Plex desktop app here. It's almost midnight, a few hours before this post goes live, but we already hear you asking: ...


Click here to Download the Plex media server for Windows, Mac, Linux FreeBSD and more free today ... For Desktop Mac, Windows & Web. Plex Pro Downloads. Plex ...

Your Media

Plex is the key to personal media bliss. Once you download our free and easy-to-use software where you store your files (usually a computer or external hard ...


Plex is your destination to stream TV shows, movies, and sports. Find great movies to watch and stream all your personal media libraries on every device.


Plex是一套媒體播放器及媒體伺服器(英語:Media server)軟體,讓使用者整理在裝置上的有聲書、音樂、播客、圖片和影片檔案,以供串流至行動裝置、智慧型電視和電子 ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
